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Why AP


(but I'm still here!)

I began my journey into the extraordinary world of personal growth over 35 years ago, attending a leadership class that left me literally shocked, as almost all of my classmates.

The same evening the seminar ended (a 5-day class!), right in the very room where it took place, I decided that - without a clue of how or when - I would do everything to become one of those trainers who help people discover a new way of living. And so it was.

Within two years, I became a member of that amazing team.

I worked with the organization that offered this course for 12 years, 12 years during which I had worked with people from all over the world and from whom I learned so much.

In 2002 I decided to start my own business and things were going very well. In 2009, however, with the great economic crisis, I found myself in serious difficulty - which I was unable to manage in the best way, and which made me decide to close my business in 2010 while getting myself involved into something completely different.

It was a disaster that lasted 5 years, and in 2015 I got back to doing what I knew best, i.e. a personal and professional growth trainer and coach... but in the meantime, things had changed. A lot!

During those 5 years that I was messing around with an entrepreneurial initiative in which I had taken part, but over which I had very little control, the training and coaching business in Italy had changed a lot, a market where especially young people had dived in, forcing me to literally reinvent myself while walking around almost broke.

How many times have the people closest to me - and myself - asked me: why the hell are you doing this?

November 1990.

I attended the very first "Firewalking" (walking on hot coals) class in Italy, organized by the Leadership Development Institute srl. led by Dr. Basil De Luca, an authentic pioneer of personal growth in this country (behind me on the right, together with Dr. Giovanna Zanin), long before Roberto Re started doing the same.

Several thousand people did it since with incredible personal transformation.

Proud to have been among that handful of forerunners... but damn it was I scared (before the walk, not during)!

For every self-employed person, there always comes a time when they must make the choice to abandon their old ways of thinking and adopt new ones, even several times in their working life.

And living in an era where everything runs and changes with an increasingly marked frenzy, it will always be more so.

It's normal to be scared, but waiting for "better times" to do something about it is the worst possible strategy.

You already have all the talents, the skills, the resources, and the courage you need to take control of your business.

Today, you're only one leap away from where you want to be.

Consider that I was already 57 and I could no longer afford to make mistakes.

I asked myself a simple question: What do you have to contribute that people need and, above all, that they understand they need?

At an age when people start planning their retirement, I was struggling as a 30-year-old who had yet to establish himself. I was unable to convey the value of my studies or my experience and, on top of that, I had to deal with a past of failures... not exactly a great calling card for a coach!

When despite all your efforts you see that you don't get anywhere, you really start to question yourself, because if what I had to offer was undoubtedly valid, then the problem could only be either me and/or the way I was positioning myself on the market.

Only over time did I understand my mistake. People could not understand what I was proposing, as it required some out-of-the-box thinking. I had to figure out a system, a method that would allow the transfer of advanced concepts, such as systems dynamics, considering the daily working reality that the recipients of this knowledge experience.

This is what drove me to develop the method behind "AUTHORITYPRO".

A slow, albeit formidable, gestation that allowed me to distill almost 35 years of experience into a method that can be easily applied to the daily reality of professionals and small entrepreneurs, making them active participants in their human and professional development.

Something I'm very fond and proud of, and which I'm here to present today.



The key word of this program is SUSTAINABILITY.

Generally speaking, SUSTAINABILITY refers to the ability (and necessity) to keep natural systems in balance, so they can evolve over time and produce the best conditions possible for all parties involved.

You as a human being are a natural system, as is your business, and to keep both of you healthy over time (such is the sustainability) it is necessary for you to know and follow certain behaviors and attitudes.

Therefore, to answer the question above, you need to ask yourself another question that only contemplates two possible answers:

"Do I just want to achieve visible and concrete results in the shortest time possible and then we'll see... OR, do I want to understand how to create the best possible conditions that allow my business to grow over time and become increasingly prosperous?"

Provided that any answer you give is fine, only by choosing the second part of the question can you guarantee sustainability, and only in this case would it make sense for you to follow the AUTHORITYPRO program.

I had the privilege to work with thousands of people from all over the world, obviously including professionals and entrepreneurs, and what I noticed is that almost all of them somehow share, and deal with, the following three situations:

  • Lack of a clear DIRECTION - The vast majority of professionals and entrepreneurs focus on the strategies to achieve their goals. Nothing wrong with that, on the contrary... but what if you run into a crisis (more and more often today and probably tomorrow) over which you have no control, such as e.g. a global economic crisis? Most of the known and widely used strategies will fail, and without a strong Direction that shows your true destination, you'll find yourself completely at the mercy of events. Ever happened? It most certainly did to me... and I'm more than certain that I'm not alone!

  • The so-called IMPOSTOR SYNDROME - This is heavy, and it seems that as many as 70% of professionals and small entrepreneurs are affected by it (including myself, until recently). It's a psychological condition that doesn't make you feel up to your peer competitors. Even though you know more than them and maybe even more capable, just because they have a degree, a certification, a certain curriculum, a certain turnover, a certain visibility, etc. that you don't have, you don't present yourself to the market as you could and should so as not to make a bad impression.
  • A weak AUTHORITY This is somehow the by-product of the first two conditions, and it's therefore no coincidence that the program name contains this fundamental value. Not only that: it's the root, the engine that triggers a whole series of positive conditions that lead people to evaluate you positively, as you'll see later.

These three very strong shortcomings kill any desire for success: You cannot compete against those who, right from the start, you believe to be far more fit than you are to succeed.

You know what, then?



You've done without it until now and you're still alive and kicking... You have no "need" for it!

What you should ask yourself instead is: How much do YOU really WANT to run a business that can thoroughly satisfy the needs of your Clients... all the while giving you the economic return you've been pursuing for some time?

No less than 90% of people operate exclusively at the level of need, especially at work.

They do the bare minimum to gather whatever they can reap (even if they think they have big goals), doing everything on their own, and then when they (inevitably) find themselves deep in trouble, they eventually ask for help.

Or better yet... for a miracle!

At that point, they need someone to help them get out of the mess they got themselves into: Here's an example of a

NON-sustainable strategy.

You don't choose to work with AUTHORITYPRO to get yourself out of trouble, but to:

  • widen your perspective;
  • give your business a different, more conscious boost;
  • make the difference for yourself, for the people that work with you, and for your Clients;
  • go to work with a smile on your face and a burning desire to succeed;
  • not be one of the many who grope in the dark, but who know exactly why you're doing what you're doing instead;
  • and more.



If this resonates with you, then you'll find in this method something that you'll hardly find anywhere else, and the following illustration shows you how.

The real killer of the AUTHORITYPRO system is that you're not the one hunting for Clients, but it's attracting them to you.

That doesn't mean you just sit around waiting for things to happen, but instead of trying to force results, you work on activating those dynamics that will bring Clients to you.

  1. AUTHORITY - This is where it all begins, but it's important you understand that you don't develop a stronger Authority so you can increase the chances of attracting Clients: you don't have that power... nobody does. You develop Authority so you can present yourself to the market with far greater conviction and strength.
    Indeed, as you feel more and more authoritative, you begin to propose yourself with much stronger...

  2. CERTAINTY - This is a highly energized emotional state that confers massive credibility. It doesn't mean you communicate things you don't understand in a nice and seemingly commanding way; it means that you're capable of dissolving all those useless doubts that you may have which are raised by a weak belief system even when you know your stuff.
    At this point, your way of acting and interacting is based on a strong...

  3. IMPACT - This allows you to take action knowing that you're guided and supported by a deep knowledge and great mastery that you acknowledge in yourself in the first place, and it then cascades to the outer world.
    As a result, you reach a pivoting point of the cycle where something really important happens, which is the ability to change the mental state of other people, inducing first and foremost feelings of…

  4. SAFETY - Regardless of how anyone may feel, whether they're confident or insecure, rich or poor, extroverted or introverted, shy or resolute... especially when it comes to buying, EVERYONE wants to be SURE they're making the right choice. This is why it's so important to convey security.
    And when people interact with someone who manages to make them feel secure, then another important, fundamental emotional state takes over which, by the way, is never considered enough: the feeling of...

  5. TRUST - If people don't trust, they won't buy, full stop... not even if you give them a 90% discount! Trust is the real driving force of commerce and, unfortunately, it is much too often ignored. However, when what you offer is supported and corroborated by facts (and this can happen in many ways, not just with numbers... but it's something I can't address here), then not only will people trust you, but they will experience a powerful sense of...

  6. INSPIRATION - People will feel inspired by you, by the idea of using your product/service for what it can do for them. And when a person reaches this very high emotional state, there is no way anyone can convince him to give up.
    At that point, he will not only want what you have to offer, but he will become a "fan" of yours and talk enthusiastically about you. And that's when you get your new...

  7. CLIENT - Not just any Client, but a loyal one, who will continue to buy from you and who will refer you to relatives, friends, and colleagues. And what happens then? What happens to your AUTHORITY?
    It will strengthen, you will feel even more
    Certain; you will always be more Impactful; you will transmit even more Security, and  with an increased Trust in you, making them feel more and more Inspired and, ultimately, Loyal!

And with each cycle, you move up a notch… theoretically forever.


This is what your business can and will look like!

You are now at a crossroads: You can go back and pretend nothing happened or you can book an appointment with me NOW to better understand how to change your business at its core.

Don't worry, I don't want to bully you or push you into doing something you don't feel confident about.

In fact, I'm the one who doesn't want to have to jump through hoops with people who don't have the desire to really get involved.

So, this exploratory session is for both of us.


Here you can find testimonials by only a few of the professionals and small business owners

who worked with me in the past, and who've obtained quite some flattering results...

And AUTHORITYPRO is even more powerful!

I got to know Alessandro in Geneva (Switzerland), during a personal growth seminar, and we've been great friends since then.

Why? Because Alessandro is not an ordinary, common person, but a professional who makes a difference in people's lives.

A very elevated insightfulness and professionality that, without wanting to wheedle anybody, takes you by the hand and guides you through the meanders of your personal and professional life, giving you inputs and guidelines that are useful to overcome the hardships that we all encounter in our lives, sooner or later, and to break out of those comfort zones that most of us build involuntarily until they become actual prisons. This is who Alessandro is: a researcher of personal growth who doesn't approach people like a detached professor, but as a brother and friend who cherishes his experience and study not only to improve people's effectiveness but to help wholeheartedly those who are fortunate enough to encounter him on the path of life.

Sergio Salati - Rebirthing Master and expert in personal growth

I've known Alessandro for many years, as I got to him through a business consultant/colleague of his with whom I attended my first time management course.

I always find it extremely interesting what Alessandro does, as he fully represents the words by Leonardo that I love so much, "Simplicity is the supreme form of sophistication".

It means that he always deals with topics that are seemingly very basic, but that when applied in real life, they are counterintuitive, brilliant in their simplicity, and applicable in both personal and professional life.

A striking example is the theory of "systems dynamics", which opens up an entirely new world.

I worked with many consultants, but I must say that Alessandro's approach is unique, as he possesses that true innate quality to put at their ease people that are most diverse in terms of background, culture, and goals they want to achieve: therefore, it's worthwhile getting to know him!

I wish Alessandro all the best, that he may help as many people as possible for a truly better quality of life!

Alessandro Nardo - Sales Manager for Electronic Partner srl.

During the 3 months that I spent working with Alessandro, I was able to develop more confidence and see things differently.

Having more control of my actions, not holding stuff inside of me, and what was heavy to bear, Alessandro taught me to see, to understand, and to live in a different way. He would give me explanations and help me become more aware.

It's been a long journey, but it was carried out with great precision. He dedicates precious time to people and is always available to provide important insights.

I'm very happy to have come across Alessandro, and for what he was able to give me.

Marina Miccoli - Administration employee

This "journey" was instrumental to develop more clarity about some emotional blocks, and to put some order in that jumble of thoughts and mental states that were blurring some vital areas of my life: work, people close to me, priorities, etc.

(...) I thank you, you're an earnest and reliable professional who puts "giving" before anything else, and I must say that you gave me a lot in terms of both humanity and professionalism.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Paolo Bratina - Store owner

(...) I needed a person of Maximum Reliability to share with him a very important topic: the Future of my Business.

In every session, I could relate to him as in front of a mirror, and I was given the necessary tools to plan my long-term goals.

(...) It's been a very practical and focused experience for me that has helped me a lot, and that I warmly suggest other people to embark on, were it only to learn a method for a personal growth journey.

Igino Righele - Owner at R.T.M. srl.

(...) Coaching helped me a lot to understand more of myself, of my reactions to some problematic work situations, and of my consequent behaviors.

It gave me the possibility to see things from a different perspective, and from there, to control and change those emotions that so often upset our state of mind at work or in life in general.

Thank you, Alessandro.

Francesco Menoia - Snack bar owner

Coaching was for me a unique experience because it helped me get in touch with my potential in a most dynamic and interactive way.

Clarity, dynamism, simplicity and effectiveness are the pillars on which Alessandro's coaching is based.

Thanks to his coaching I clearly understood what my goals are, and I acquired a whole set of tools to proceed successfully in my life.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Alessandro!!

Lucio Molo - Yoga teacher - Rome

I've been following Alessandro Carli's training activities for the past 20 years. The various events that I attended enabled me to get acquainted with and use the tools for a systemic approach to reality in both my personal and professional life. The systemic level enables people to completely change and improve their relationships with all that takes place within the systems they live in.

Giuliano Russo

Commercial Dev. Manager - Informest Consulting srl.

You may have noticed the extent to which all these people emphasized the 360° work

that was done with them.

It's not just a question of improving the results one achieves in his work, but in

ALL the "dimensions" of life in which he operates, including the most personal ones.

After all, people are not blind. How much authority can you project if

you can only be your best at work and a disaster for all the rest?

Would YOU really trust anyone like that?

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