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On this page you will find a list of videos (vodcasts) that are published on a weekly basis on social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook, each one focusing on a different topic concerning personal and professional development.

The recording time for each video ranges between 5 and 15 minutes, with few exceptions.



Questions are a special communication mode that enables us to go deeper into certain matters, to get to know ourselves and the surrounding world better, to improve our condition, to get to know the truth, to evolve, and much more.

Animals never ask themselves questions: that's why their evolution is so slow: they don't (can't) question their present situation and are therefore totally dependent on adaptation for change.


We are unique... We need not to "become" unique, but only discover that we already are, and work on this to turn our life into something exceptional and unrepeatable. This is a video that's dedicated first and foremost to young adults who are about to become an active part of society with some-thing precious to contribute.

How do we know what that is? How can we tell what's ordinary, and what's extra-ordina-ry? What really makes us unique, and how can this give a deeper sense of fulfillment to our existence?


Leadership belongs to whom has something to say and/or to share with others.

It's not a real skill, and for sure, it's not a task that one has been assigned either, but stems from the deep desire to pursue an ideal that can benefit as many people as possible.

Can it be taught?

A few techniques, perhaps, but not its essence: this can only be discovered when we get to a point where we find out that we are the ONLY ones who can carry out a specific project utilizing very personal intentions, skills, approaches, etc. for the sake of a superior well being.


"Choosing" is the human activity that, in terms of importance and occurrence, is perhaps second only to breathing!

Of course, the vast majority of the choices we make are commonplace and automatic, referring to simple daily routine matters... but there are also choices that will define the present and future of our lives. Understanding how choices work, and which aspects we should pay more attention to so they can work out more effectively for us, is the real challenge.


People usually find out they have a problem with their self-esteem when they either feel miserable about themselves, or they can't manage to pursue the personal or professional path they truly want.

And this is actually a good place... at least they understand that they're the ones who must do something about it, but there's definitely too much confusion, even among experts.

There is a direct correlation between self-esteem and love for oneself, no question about that, but much too often we tend to mix the cause with the effect... and this is what's creating all the problems.


Although we hear a lot of talk about "dreaming" and "desiring", the truth is that we really know very little about desire: how it appears, how it impacts our lives, how it determines the course of our lives, how to use it to give a stronger meaning to our existence and much more.

Only human beings are provided with the capacity to desire, which is why we're the only species capable of creating something new, something that adds quality to our lives.

It's certainly worthwhile getting to know more about this very unique power!


A "standard" is a behavioral model that people (and organizations in general) adopt more or less consciously to operate at a certain level.

Most of the time, standards are spontaneously adopted based on merely egoistic calculations.

Still, if you learn to recognize them and adapt them to your level of growth, you can immediately and drastically transform your life and business for the better. This is something that should be considered seriously.


Nobody wants war, and you see crowds marching and asking for peace... yet, there's always a war to be fought somewhere. It's not a question of cognitive dissonance, and in fact, it's hardly a choice: it's a necessity! Whether we like it or not, humanity has evolved during the past few millennia thanks to wars... but today, on the brink of self-destruction, we are finding ourselves in the position of having to make a choice that will determine our very survival: we either find a way to come out of this loop, or we won't make it.


We talk a lot about Ego, but mostly in a stereotyped way, and full of clichés.

Our Ego is not "bad", it doesn't have a will of its own, but it exists to carry out a critical task for us, which is to ensure our survival (and that of the species we belong to).

Sure, it can definitely turn our life into a nightmare, and the lives of those closest to us, but only because we don't know more about it, we don't know what it wants, or why it even exists.!


Self-Improvement should be our constant primary concern because this is what will ultimately allow us to design and achieve those goals that will add quality to our lives. To constantly become a better version of ourselves consists of knowing how to wisely balance what we want to Be in order to Have more and vice versa: this is the only way we can grow in a balanced, effective, and sustainable way in all areas of life.

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